
Zucchini and stuff



Tomato (I want to try them fried and green)


Val put her recipe for zucchini crumble on their blog...so i thought i would put some pictures of my zucchini (and some other stuff too) on mine. It's been really fun watching everything grow, but I really can't wait to eat those tomatoes...yummmmm.


Photos from "Shades of Grey 4"

So, for some reason I forgot to post the photos that i had in that show. These are the four I submitted. Three of them got in--the one with the window didn't get in, which i thought was funny, because it was probably my favorite out of the four. Also, two of them are featured in cabin 3 at Rock River Bible Camp :)


July 2

Apparently they don't really celebrate Independence Day on July 4th around here. That being said, these photos (of some church members) were taken at our July 2 celebration. I understand it's kind of a tradition for the church to have a little song/devotional time followed by a potluck and fireworks. Not that we set off our own fireworks. We just have a good view of the Cranberry fireworks from the church lawn. I had my tripod set up and my external flash on my camera to practice a few things...didn't really work out that great (at least with the flash) I guess I need more practice. (by the way, that's Daisy with Mel Graham)


Not the beach...but it'll do

I finally got a slip 'n slide...and boy is it fun!