
Tomato (I want to try them fried and green)


Val put her recipe for zucchini crumble on their blog...so i thought i would put some pictures of my zucchini (and some other stuff too) on mine. It's been really fun watching everything grow, but I really can't wait to eat those tomatoes...yummmmm.
you'll have to tell me how the fried green tomatoes are... i've got some green ones growing too... and fear the unknown.
hmm... i tried to skype you a little bit ago to show you a cucumber that we picked yesterday or the day before... but i'll talk to you later
I am totally jealous of your garden! How fun! Maybe you can teach me how to grow stuff sometime. I miss you! val
and what kind of lettuce is that? it looks really tasty!
what a beautiful garden! my little garden is just a spot compared to yours. wow! i just tried val's zucchini recipe tonight. that was fun! though i added brown sugar into the mix of zucchini in the pot and i forgot to divide the 3 cups of sugar for the crumble mixture, so it was reallllllly sweet! that's the kimilligan way of following a recipe. at least it was still yummy.
so i read on becky's blog that you might be around this weekend??? wow! safe travels to you.
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