
Snow in October???

So, Chris visited the Hastings this last weekend...it was 80 degrees. In other news, it snowed here today.


Emily said...

Daisy does not look very happy to be bundled up! I have to admit, I'm sort of jealous. Snow means winter, and winter means Christmas, and I can't wait for Christmas!

Wadsworthmommy said...

That is a lot of snow! Such cute pics!

christopher said...

snowely dow.
i like these rachel.
daisy looks a lot older now :(
are you liking playing with the 1.8 lens?
looks pretty fun:) i miss elinor a ton. hope i see her soon for christmas!

christopher said...

p.s. thanks for mentioning me in your blog... i told dale to look at your post... so... he's pretty much like, "oh, what month is it again? october? oh, i forgot... i thought it was july. huh."

Dale Hasting said...

I can't believe you've had to pull out the full snow gear. I'm glad to see pictures of the girls. Daisy looks so cute and sweet, and Elinor has gotten big. Let me know how things are going, we miss everyone. It was good to see Chris to catch up on all things going on with the Buddies.

Let us know when you will be back for Christmas! Love ya, Brooke