We lost our nephew last week. Kaiden was 7 months old in the womb. Kaiden, I can't wait to meet you in heaven. the following was his obituary:
Kaiden Aaron Reinders
December 12, 2008 - December 12, 2008
Loves Park – Kaiden Aaron Reinders, infant, was born into Heaven Friday, December 12, 2008, at Rockford Memorial Hospital. He was an angel baby and is loved very much and will be greatly missed.
Kaiden is lovingly survived by his parents, Aaron and Tiffany (Dowrick) Reinders of Loves Park; grandparents, Michael and Debora Reinders and Thomas and Mary Dowrick, both of Rockford; great-grandparents, Kenneth and Eleanor Reinders, Joann Stemm, Robert and Earlene Dowrick and Philip and Joann Brooks; uncle, Josh (Rachel) Reinders; aunt, Brittany Dowrick; and cousins, Elinor and Daisy Reinders.
Kaiden was predeceased by his great-grandfather, Duane Stemm.
Funeral Information
Service is at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 17, 2008, in Genandt Funeral Home, 602 N. Elida St., Winnebago, with the Rev. Ken Schmoyer, pastor of Winnebago Evangelical Fellowship, officiating. Private burial in Middle Creek Cemetery, in Winnebago.
So it's been over a month now
I thought i better post some photos of our vacation before they became obsolete. These were taken from the balcony of our little condo. It overlooked the canal in Lewes, Delaware. We came back one evening to shouts and loud music, looked out the window and saw a parade of boats all lit up for the annual "Coast Days Festival."

hope you're prepared to see lots more boring vacation pics...i took a lot :)

hope you're prepared to see lots more boring vacation pics...i took a lot :)
Snow in October???
Cranberry Festival Art Show
We got back a couple of days ago from our vacation to exciting Delaware. My plan is to put some photos on the blog of our trip...but i haven't gotten that far yet. So mostly this post is to say, "hey, I'm still here, sorry I haven't written much." Also, i've enjoyed catching up a little bit with my buddies blogs...but sometimes it makes me a little sad to read (and see) what everyone has been doing. I miss you guys a lot, and am really missing hanging out. So when are we going to have buddy time over Christmas? (p.s. click on the title of this post:)
Does This Seem Weird To You?
We got a special "Back To School" section in our newspaper this week. I thought it would be full of what I think back to school stuff is. Like the latest book bag styles, study tips, maybe lunch menus. But it wasn't, it was full of classroom assignments and bus schedules. That means that virtually every school-aged child in the county is listed under his or her classroom/homeroom. Which i thought was kind of strange. But then I kept looking through it. I got to the bus routes, which turned out to be detailed schedules of which bus is where and at what home at a specific time (ie: 7:43 Montgomery farm). So, I don't know...is this normal? Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it seems a little scary to me.

Sorry Sam's Club
I'm sorry Sams's Club and everyone who happened to be shopping at your Butler, PA location yesterday afternoon. Sorry for bringing a tired 2 1/2 year old into your doors, strapping her to your cart and allowing her to unleash her blood-curdling scream. However, in all fairness, we were trapped in the car with it's screaming for well over 30 minutes. So I suppose we got what was coming to us? ok, maybe not.

On my way back to PA from IL, I stopped at my parents house. While I was there, my mom gave me two red boxes. Guess what was in them...my costumes! So I got them home and washed them up, and here they are hanging on the clothesline.

If you can tell, they consist of the following:
*one gold dress I wore in "Brigadoon"
*one Scottish-looking dress I wore in "Brigadoon" (which my mom made)
*one green tweed suit which I wore in "The Man Who Came to Dinner". An actual vintage 40's dress we got at a thrift store and my mom altered.
*one silly purple dress which looks like it may have been someones prom dress in the 80's (but makes a good "Gone With the Wind" costume.
*two dresses, vintage 60's yellow and light blue, that belonged to a friends mom (who passed away some years ago).
*one Indian dress (I don't know where that came from, or how I came to possess it)
(oh, and one pair of pants belonging to Elinor that got included in that load of laundry)

If you can tell, they consist of the following:
*one gold dress I wore in "Brigadoon"
*one Scottish-looking dress I wore in "Brigadoon" (which my mom made)
*one green tweed suit which I wore in "The Man Who Came to Dinner". An actual vintage 40's dress we got at a thrift store and my mom altered.
*one silly purple dress which looks like it may have been someones prom dress in the 80's (but makes a good "Gone With the Wind" costume.
*two dresses, vintage 60's yellow and light blue, that belonged to a friends mom (who passed away some years ago).
*one Indian dress (I don't know where that came from, or how I came to possess it)
(oh, and one pair of pants belonging to Elinor that got included in that load of laundry)
Zucchini and stuff


Tomato (I want to try them fried and green)


Val put her recipe for zucchini crumble on their blog...so i thought i would put some pictures of my zucchini (and some other stuff too) on mine. It's been really fun watching everything grow, but I really can't wait to eat those tomatoes...yummmmm.


Tomato (I want to try them fried and green)


Val put her recipe for zucchini crumble on their blog...so i thought i would put some pictures of my zucchini (and some other stuff too) on mine. It's been really fun watching everything grow, but I really can't wait to eat those tomatoes...yummmmm.
Photos from "Shades of Grey 4"

So, for some reason I forgot to post the photos that i had in that show. These are the four I submitted. Three of them got in--the one with the window didn't get in, which i thought was funny, because it was probably my favorite out of the four. Also, two of them are featured in cabin 3 at Rock River Bible Camp :)
July 2

Apparently they don't really celebrate Independence Day on July 4th around here. That being said, these photos (of some church members) were taken at our July 2 celebration. I understand it's kind of a tradition for the church to have a little song/devotional time followed by a potluck and fireworks. Not that we set off our own fireworks. We just have a good view of the Cranberry fireworks from the church lawn. I had my tripod set up and my external flash on my camera to practice a few things...didn't really work out that great (at least with the flash) I guess I need more practice. (by the way, that's Daisy with Mel Graham)

Shades of Grey

A while back i was accepted into a black and white photography show in Dixon. The show runs until June 24 if anyone is interested in checking it out. I haven't actually been there yet (The Next Picture Show in Dixon) but it looks really cool in pictures. Chris was there for the opening and took some pictures, so these are from him :)...oh, and those are my three.
My Garden
Last week Jim Miller (from our church) helped us work up the ground for my garden.

And here it is:

This is some lettuce coming up already (at least i hope it's lettuce). There is also corn, cantaloupe and zucchini with little leaves up. Oh, and the one end with the cages is all tomatoes...i LOVE garden tomatoes, which is the main reason i want a garden (hope mine don't have salmonella:)

We've had plenty of rain to water it too. This was a few days ago. The news said that a funnel cloud may have been spotted not far from us...hmmm...

And here it is:

This is some lettuce coming up already (at least i hope it's lettuce). There is also corn, cantaloupe and zucchini with little leaves up. Oh, and the one end with the cages is all tomatoes...i LOVE garden tomatoes, which is the main reason i want a garden (hope mine don't have salmonella:)

We've had plenty of rain to water it too. This was a few days ago. The news said that a funnel cloud may have been spotted not far from us...hmmm...

Josh has a blog
Josh started a blog a few days ago. the link is down there in my cool links. He's a good writer...even if he doesn't think he is. go check it out, you won't be sorry!
The girls and grandpa
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